This large ‘borrow pit’ at the Western Treatment Plant has been known to support breeding Growling Grass Frogs (a nationally threatened species) and also migratory shorebirds. Melbourne Water attempts to manage water levels (and vegetation) in this pond to provide good frog breeding habitat between October and April. The pond should normally be drawn down between April and August to prevent the build-up of frog predators, pathogens and parasites. But managing water levels (and water quality) is not exact since we have only limited control and have found the pond leaks badly when filled. We do not have an outlet able to control water levels and so must rely on evaporation or pumping to lower the level. The Fluker Post is used to record water levels and vegetation cover. In particular we are watching the Common Reed patches along the southern edge of the pond to learn how quickly these spread and when we might need to step in and manage things.
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